Personal Effectiveness

There are currently 10 courses available


Everybody can benefit from taking time out to reflect on their strengths and areas to improve. How do you prioritise your objectives, plan your time, communicate, build relationships and get the most out of those around you? Our personal effectiveness theme includes a series of practical, thought-provoking courses, programmes and resources, designed to help you to deal with a wide range of people, activities and situations.

This theme aims to support the Inspiring and People First aspects of our 2025 Strategy Map, and our Team and Excellence values.

The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) is a professional development framework for researchers in higher education. This theme supports the following domain on the RDF: Domain B - Personal Effectiveness.


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Learning, Information and Support ...


E-Learning: Business Skills and Compliance Suite

If you would like to complete one of the business skills and compliance e-learning modules, please click on the button below.


The Talent Hub

Want to find out more about our talent management tools and resources? 




Want a coach or mentor?

Support over several coaching sessions can help staff dealing with change to make plans for the way ahead.

Please register your interest by clicking below, and we will get back to you shortly.

Additional Resources ...

LinkedIn Learning: Personal Effectiveness

Please find our curated LinkedIn Learning courses and resources.

Useful Resources: Personal Effectiveness

Please find a range of useful videos, podcasts, courses and resources here.

LinkedIn Learning: Communication Skills

Please find our curated LinkedIn Learning courses and resources here.

Useful Resources: Communication Skills

Please find a range of useful videos, podcasts, courses and resources here.

LinkedIn Learning: Customer Service

Please find our curated LinkedIn Learning courses and resources here.

Useful Resources: Customer Service

Please find a range of useful videos, podcasts, courses and resources here.


Question? Please get in touch ...

If you would like to know more, or if you have any suggestions or ideas of what we could include in our development offering, please contact us through MS Teams, email: or 01484 47 (2799).

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