Welcome to our visas and immigration website!

The University of Huddersfield is committed to attracting, welcoming and supporting new employees from around the world.  The Vice-Chancellor has built the University's future strategy around being an inspiring, innovative University of international renown.    

These webpages are designed to provide information on visas, immigration and eligibility to work in the UK for our current and prospective international employees, visitors and managers. 

Please note

We have made every effort to ensure the information provided on these pages is correct at the time of publication.

The information provided is as a brief overview.  Applicants should always check their own eligibility and the requirements for the visa route they are intending to apply under.  Applicants may also wish to contact the UKVI directly with any queries they have or appoint an immigration specialist to assist with their application.


Working in the UK

Information for international workers (current and prospective employees)


Visiting the UK

Information for international visitors to the University


Guidance for University staff on performing right to work checks.


Guidance for University staff on performing right to work checks.


Guidance for University staff on performing right to work checks via the Yoti system (for HR and External Examiner appointments).