Following feedback from applicants, we have updated our application forms in order to make them easier to fill in. The changes we have made include revised wording to make the application form clearer and changing some of the mandatory fields so that it is easier to submit the application form.
When sending out correspondence to staff, we now use your preferred name rather than your forename after receiving feedback that some people found it upsetting that we had not used their provided preferred name. If you would like to change your preferred name, you can do so via MyHR.
Following feedback from some of our interview candidates we have revised the wording used on our Invite to Interview letters. We now provide them with an estimated time that they will be on campus rather than a specific time for their interview/test/presentation as it was reported that they could begin to feel anxious if the specified time for their interview passed, and they had not yet been seen.
We have changed the way that we distribute the application forms to the selection panel during the recruitment process. Where we used to send the application forms to the recruitment contact to distribute, we now share the applications with all members of the panel via our secure file sharing system. This ensures that the information is shared with all relevant people through a controlled and secure channel.
The internal memo that is sent to the Dean/Director when a new member of staff is appointed has been updated to include additional details. This was done after consultation with the different areas of the University revealed that these memos did not provide all of the required information for their internal processes to be carried out.
Occupational Health now offer a video induction which replaces the in-person induction historically provided for healthcare students. This will help reduce the amount of information that healthcare students need to take in during induction week, whilst also being accessible online 24/7.
Occupational Health now have a new touch screen to log in for appointments in the department. This will help reduce queue times and keep the reception area free for general enquiries.