Delivering an Inspiring Information Environment for the Digital Age

Computing and Library Services (CLS) prides itself on delivering an Excellent Customer Experience; this is not only a core value, it is also a key driver for everything that we do. In relation to this, and in order to continually improve our services we encourage and listen to feedback, monitor our own performance, and seek external accreditation. Here are some of the ways in which we can demonstrate how well we are doing in meeting our customers’ needs.



Customer Service Standards

How are we measuring up in aspects of our service that are important to customers?



How customers rate us in Local and National surveys, and how we compare with relevant benchmarks. 


IT Support

How our IT Support Team is performing in response to customer requests for Help and Advice.


Customer Feedback

What our customers think of our services.


CLS Awards

External accreditations of the Quality of our services.